Family Program

Just as the whole family suffers when one member is an addict, the whole family is part of the recovery process. Without a family recovery program, family members may suffer effects that last a lifetime.

Research and our own experience tell us that the chances of successful long-term recovery increase dramatically when the family participates in the healing process. Your participation in the recovery process is imperative.

Addiction is called “a family disease” for good reason. You all are in pain. If you are reading this and finally reaching out, it is more than likely that you are at a crisis level.


The traumatization and stress caused by substance use disorders, alcoholism and addiction, can last a lifetime if the healing process does not ever begin.

In an effort to cope with this uncontrollable situation, you may have resorted to hiding the truth, avoiding genuine connection to minimize painful conversations, and feel intense levels of guilt and shame. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

The biggest lessons for family members come from understanding that you can’t control your loved one’s drug or alcohol addiction, but you can take responsibility for your own health and happiness.

Our Family Programs educate families about the disease of addiction and the different ways family members are affected. You will learn to :

  • Work through the chaos you’ve experienced
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Rebuild trusting relationships

Participation in a family program may initially bring up feelings of anxiety and stress, but we can assure you that over time,  you will have a sense of relief, renewed hope, and realistic expectations about recovery.

Start Your Recovery Today

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